Today we rode a trail called 3 "B"'s... well, the "B"'s stand for something but I wont divulge the true meaning. I will, however say that there are 3 very large steep hills which were a real "B" to ride up. I will also say that although I am short on gear, I did wear shorts which were padded in the seat but my "A" still hurts like hell. It was a lot of fun to go Mountain biking with Will and Todd today and to see Will do something he is so good at doing. Will goes so fast down the same runs I have to walk down and does it so effortlessly. Going WAY faster than anyone else out there and seems to be in more control too. Todd HATES the climbs but he definitely has skills left over from his '84-'86 heydays (we saw pics of some serious "donkey basketball" moves from his high school days last week). He really charges the downhills, drops, and jumps and does really well (pays for it too sometimes but not too much today). Hope you like the action shots

I like it! These pics are awesome! Really clean shots! And it looks lie so much fun! Great job babe!