There is not much that can describe what it is like to sit, feet dangling, on the edge of a plane at 12,000 feet knowing in a couple of seconds you will hurl yourself out. We could not have asked for a better morning. It was warm, sunny, and little wind over the Bay of Islands. As we climbed to our altitude, we got great views of the bay, its islands, and just about the rest of the north island (at least it felt that way!). The initial fall was thrilling, the remaining 45 seconds of freefall was both fast-paced and calming, and the couple minutes floating under the parachute were breathtaking. As we hit the ground, we were overcome with elation, relief, and residual adrenaline.
View from the plane above the Bay of Islands

In the plane

Bobby freefalling from the plane's perspective (I am at the bottom of the picture)

Joo in her freefall

Bobby safe on the ground

Joo safe on the ground

Joo and her instructor


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