
Best First Day Ever!

Today marks my first official day as an Ocean Institute volunteer. On most days, I expect to cheerily answers phones, sign guests up for one of the many exciting and educational programs, and just try to be all around helpful. Other days, like today, will be a little more exciting: halfway through my first shift, we were notified of a GRAY WHALE swimming the harbor! Secretly, I was bouncing off the walls with excitement (because I LOVE SEALIFE!!) and just itching to get out there for a look. The kind folks at the Ocean Institute did me one better and actually invited me on a small boat to help try to direct the whale out of the harbor and back to sea. So that's what I spent the last hour of my first ever shift at the Ocean Institute doing: whale herding using various noises to irritate the whale back out to sea. Definitely, the best first day I've ever experienced at a job!

Sadly, my excitement quickly lapsed as we caught our first glimpse of the whale. It seemed so lethargic, breaching every 2-3 minutes just to breathe before diving back down to the bottom of the harbor for some more R&R. There was heavy algae growth along its back, indicative of inactivity, and a cord or netting wrapped around the its fluke. Another sad tale of human waste recycled into hurtful animal traps. It seemed that the whale had entered the calm harbor waters to rest on its migration towards Alaska, or more likely, to pass in peace. I guess it's just further reinforcement for the importance of child and public education on marine conservation and motivation for me to continue my involvement with the Ocean Institute!


Weekend on the beach...26. Go surfing with Tony & 49. Try something I have never done before

Joo and I spent a long time this weekend at the beach house Jimmy rented on the strand of Capo Beach. It was an amazing house with an insane view of the water. Long days on the sand and nights with good friends around the fire-pit and playing a drinking game called "battleship" was exactly the weekend I needed. It was really great to see everyone. I also got to to try something I have never done before. I took a kayak into the surf. It was a bit hard to make it through the waves on the paddle out but it was so nice when I got passed the surf. I was a little nervous about trying to surf with the kayak but I caught a great wave and rode it all the way in... well almost, I flipped the kayak at the end. I surfed and swam around too which was really nice except that the water was in the 50's but I got used to it. It doesn't get much better than spending a weekend on the beach with my wonderful wife and great friends!!!!