
Dedicated to those who take the leap

Everybody advances through their professional life the same general way... training, experiences, and taking advantage of opportunities. However, there are two different paths traveled. The first is the one I take and I think of it like a ladder. You can see where you are going, take small steps to get to the top and if you have the time, talent, and/or inclination, you will get there. The other pathway is very different. In stead of a straight line that is well defined, the people who take this other pathway use their training and experiences in preparation of a leap. It is those people whom I respect the most. My reasoning is this... on the ladder, you can always see what is in front of you but you are limited to your ladder. These other individuals have not only the endless possibilities that comes from being able to leap in any direction but also contain the fortitude to take a leap in their direction of choice having taken into account the potential for a fall. These people also find many detractors along the way who want to protect them from the fall and are quick to point out the safety of the ladder. Although people fall sometimes, their leaps can also find themselves beyond the furthest extent of the ladder the others cling to so desperately.
There are people such as my mom with her EC2 and other ventures, my brother with countless projects and a mind that is incapable of anything less than grandeur, Eric Paine who always seems to be two steps ahead of everyone else, as well as others. The person I thought about while writing this, however, was my wife. Joo has both an undergraduate degree in applied ecology, a masters degree, and a background in environmental work that could have provided a comfortable ladder to scale. She has shifted her focus to follow her passion around service and food and has already taken her first steps in getting a degree in restaurant management, working at Tommy Bahama's in Laguna while they opened their newest restaurant, and getting an offer to manage at another place. It is my 30th birthday today and there are many things I am proud of in my life. One of the things I am most proud of is that I have a partner in life who inspires me by showing me that you can take hold of your life and truly pursue your passion and take "the leap".



Over the last few months... probably more specifically over the last few years, I have changed my exercise routine. Some for the better but mostly for the worse. The positives are that I started running a little bit which is brand new to me. I also got into paddle boarding, basketball, racquetball and hiking which I didn't really do that much before. Some of the negatives are that I have paid less attention to my diet and commitment to regular exercise. I have been lulled into a slight decline in my commitment to my own health for many reasons. I have an amazing wife who cooks me great food so I have not cooked a lot so I have allowed myself to stop being proactive about my diet. I have only worked out in spurts and done not enough cardio. I have blamed work, scheduling conflicts, fatigue, and other things for this. I have let myself get away with this mind set because of how my life was changing compared to how it was.

Today... I am changing this mindset. Today, I will begin to compare my life today to how I anticipate it changing from today on... How my work schedule will become more and more demanding and stressful... How scheduling commitments will become more frequent and more important with more responsibilities and our family and friend's family growing everyday. How I am getting older and the concept of "mind over matter" will be increasingly relevant.

My plan... a diversified plan that is trackable. I will approach activities by frequency. For example, I plan on going to the gym 3-4 times a week but I plan on hiking once a month. My focus... the gym, running, basketball, hiking, paddle boarding, and racquetball. Below is my plan and I will try and address each one as I progress.

-Monday is the easiest day to be motivated so I will plan on going to the gym at lunch and running with Kona when I get home. My workout will focus on a major muscle group like chest or back
-Tuesday, I will plan on a light workout focusing on stomach/lower back and a short run with Kona when I get home.
-Wednesday, I will plan on being an off day but filling any gaps I have from Monday or Tuesday.
-Thursday is basketball day
-Friday will be workout only and will be focused on arms and legs
-On the weekend, I will plan on at least one outside activity (running, paddle board, basketball...) and one gym. It is important that I use my mornings to get this done
-At least once a month, I will want to get the dogs out for a hike or outside play time
-At lease once a week, I will be on or around water. This is swimming, paddle boarding, running, or walking.
-I will also plan on going grocery shopping at least once a month and cooking a HEALTHY meal once a week. I need to plan this ahead because it is easy to be lazy

This is important to me. This is about feeling good and living well. I am used to approaching these goals on my own and I will definitely be self-motived but I am also writing this so that others push me. To know that this is something important to me but that it is also easy to let go. Wish me luck